Tango Festival Berlin
17-20 May 2013

Malzfabrik in Tempelhof-Schöneberg

Bessemerstraße 2-14, 12103 Berlin

ITFB 2013 Milonga on Friday & Saturday Night!

The “Maschinenhalle” (engine house) of the “Malzfabrik” is an unforgettable event location with a unique industrial ambience. The room is situated in the ground floor of an industrial building, with tiled walls, historic transom windows, and a steel roof structure with a ceiling height of about 6 meters.

How to get there from Subway stop “Berlin-Südkreuz”, walking distance ca. 5-10 minutes:

malzfabrik location











Malzfabrik Malzfabrik01 Malzfabrik02